Cross Creek Bowhunting Society Cookout

Burnt Island, Lochlossa lake, Florida

Janurary 1, 1999

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  1. Daybreak on Lochlossa Lake, Florida Janurary 1, 1999
  2. Lochlossa Lake
  3. Angel was just 5 years old when we had our first cookout in 1979
  4. Old Man Jim Anderson's plate
  5. The serving line
  6. More line
  7. Pop Dees of Archer, Florida preparing the Swamp Cabbage
  8. Pop "booting" the cabbage
  9. Some Airboats
  10. 16 square feet of wild hog
  11. Blackeye peas and hog jowl simmering away
  12. Ronnie Thomas loading mullet into the smoker
  13. 9 square feet of bacon wrapped venison tenderloin
  14. The Jim Team takes a break (Big Jim and Jim Anderson)