Saturday, September 25, 1999

Three Rivers Estates. Near Ft. White, Florida

On the banks of the Ichetucknee River

The Ichetuckee, the Santa Fe and Suwannee Rivers all run together at this point.

Hosts were Derek and Shannon Emerson


This is Jacob and Zack. Zack can do some impressive wheelies in this thing.


I modified the recipe on this batch and added sliced fresh peaches

not bad

Here is one of the spatula things I picked up at the junkyard the other day

It is 12" wide and 18" long, plus the handle

Lady said they came from McDonalds

Pulling a butt on the spatula

Worked damn good. Used it for a cutting board too.

A lot of nice red smoke ring in this butt

A nice pile of pulled pork

Reheated brisket.

I trimmed it, put on some rub and reheated it as per Danny.

Came out with a nice red color.

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